By signing up with as a participating property manager I have read completely and agree completely with the following terms and conditions. I agree to use RentalHub247 as a property manager in good faith to try and present inquiring users with the best possible deals I can present. I agree to present deals within my management segment only and I agree to present deals, prices, or offers that are in some way shape or form superior to any deals I may have advertised online or published elsewhere.  I understand that if I sign up as a property manager under a free trial RentalHub247 may not and will not bill me or charge me without my express written consent to do so.  RentalHub247 will notify me in the event my free trial membership becomes a paid membership and will get my written permission beforehand before charging me. I understand and agree that a sign up and paid monthly fee cannot and will not be refunded under any circumstances however I can discontinue my membership at anytime by contacting . I agree to include only factual material about my property or properties, and to include only actual photos of my property when presenting offers. I agree and understand that misrepresenting any of my properties or any facts about my properties may possibly lead to my being barred from RentalHub247 with no refunds and or other legal actions from RentalHub247 and/or prospective renters. I agree that RentalHub247 is not liable for any complications that may come up between prospects or renters and myself or the participating property management entities.  I agree and understand that RentalHub247 does not guarantee my safety when showing a property to a prospect using RentalHub247. I agree and understand RentalHub247 has strongly recommended to me that I take all precautions when showing properties or when meeting prospects to view properties. I agree and understand that RentalHub247 has strongly recommended to me that I perform background checks and verifications on any person who is asking to view a property and I agree to do such checks and am meeting any prospect at my own discretion. I agree and understand that RentalHub247 is not responsible or liable for any damage done to property that was rented through RentalHub247 and that RentalHub247 has no involvement in tenant or customer selection completed by me. RentalHub247 has no financial responsibility for injury, harm, or any destruction to a property during the renting of the property or during a showing.  Furthermore, if I use the Tenant Alert system that is part of my user features with RentalHub247 I understand that in order to post any alerts I must have received permission from that tenant either in the application process, the lease process, or a separate disclosure where the tenant  or prospect was made aware that you the property manager would have the right to share information about their rent experience. I understand and agree not to disclose to non-members any names that come up as an alert or what complaints have come against that tenant. I understand that I may not attempt to bypass RentalHub247 filters to post sensitive information i.e identity information within a tenant name.  I agree to only post factual material for any such alert and I also agree that RentalHub247 at its discretion may remove any tenant alert, inquiry, or offer at any time for any reason. I understand that any false reporting, inaccurate information about my property, or even offering deals that are not in some way shape or form better than deals I have published elsewhere may lead to a banning from the system.